FileMatch - File Synchronisation utility for Windows

Version: 2009/08

FileMatch is a utility for Windows Vista and Windows XP that performs synchronisation between a list of files (such as the results of a search) and the contents of a folder.  

Files are matched either by name or by name and contents.  A series of options controls what action is performed for files that are matched or not matched - options include Copy, Copy (Rename), Move, Move (Rename), Delete Source, Delete Destination and Skip. There are also options for matching files that differ only in the copy numbering (eg FileName(1)).

FileMatch is distributed as freeware for personal user. Please read the license agreement iincluded in the download.

Feedback is appreciated.

Download NowDownload now.  The download is a zip archive of the installation folder. Unzip the download file to any convenient location, open the installation folder that is created, and double-click the Setup file to install FileMatch.  File size is about 250Kb.


Page Last Updated: January 5th, 2010