Sample of DegText Text boxes.
StripGauge - A Custom Graphical Control for .Net

Version: 2009/08

StripGauge is a graphical control for .Net that implements a simple rectangular gauge.  The control is configurable for the gauge components - eg, tick-marks, tick-mark text, gauge label, point and background.  The gauge can be configured in vertical or horizontal format, and scale markings can be arranged left-to-right or right-to-left.  The label can be fixed test or the gauge current value. A red zone can be defined, which will trigger an event on entering and leaving.

The pointer can be configured as a simple line (with length, width and color set as properties) or it can be a bar that extends from the zero point (configurable for color and several forms of shading) or it can be a custom image.  The background can be configured for color and several forms of shading, or it can be set to a custom image. 

StripGauge is distributed as limited freeware for personal user. It can be included in a project that is distributed as freeware provided that a copyright reference is included with the distribution.  If it is used in a project that is distributed for payment (other than soliciting donations) then you are required to register with the copyright owner and remit USD25 to PayPal account

Feedback is appreciated.

Download NowDownload now.  The download is a zip archive of the DLL and the Help file in standard MS CHM format. Unzip the download file to any convenient location.  Copy the DLL to the project folder and add a reference to it. Add the control to the textbox. A test application project is also included.  File size is about 3.5Mb.


Page Last Updated: January 5th, 2010